Zeki Müren was born on December 6, 1931 in the Hisar district of Bursa.

After completing his secondary education in Bursa Tahtakale, he came to Istanbul. He graduated from Istanbul Boğaziçi High School with the first place.

He graduated from the Sabih Gözen workshop in the High Decoration Department of the State Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul. During his student years he was good at drawing and opened many exhibitions about drawing.

In 1949, while studying at Boğaziçi High School, he continued his musical education with lessons from Agopos Efendi (the father of cinema director and scriptwriter Alşavir Alyanak) and Udi Kirkor.

He sang various works by Şerif İçli, who knows fasıl music well and has a wide repertoire. He benefited from Refik Fersan, Sadi Işılay and Kadri Sançalar.

He entered Istanbul Radio in 1950 with an exam. He gave his first radio concert in a live program on Istanbul Radio in 1951 and this concert was very much appreciated.

After that, he focused more on stage and record work. He managed to keep the public interest above all the time, with his clothes and stage behavior that pushed the conventions.

Zeki Müren made more than 600 records, cassettes and CDs. The first song he sang on the record is Şükrü Tunar's song with the lyrics "A Lovebird". Müren 1955, "Magnolia he" with the song won the Golden Plaque award given for the first time in Turkey.

Zeki Muren is that most concert singer in Turkey. There have been periods where he gave a hundred concerts a year. He has been given the title of "Art Sun". He has also given many concerts in foreign countries.

Zeki Müren moved away from stage life and music after 1980 due to heart disease and diabetes. He was confined to his house in Bodrum and lived a reclusive life. On Wednesday, September 24, 1996, he died of a heart attack during the ceremony held for him on TRT Izmir Television. His funeral was removed with a great ceremony, with the participation of an unprecedented crowd of people. His grave is in Emir Sultan Cemetery, whose birthplace is Bursa.

Reference: https://www.ensonhaber.com/biyografi/zeki-muren-kimdir-2013-09-17

selvi.ea/Eda ACAR/Şehit Emre Karaaslan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School/Bursa




  1. ooo! He is great a person :) I love he ;)thank you for sharing Selvi :)

  2. Thank you for introducing this famous singer. It was interesting to read.

  3. I already knew him but this sharing was very informative

  4. rabia.ds.1/Dilek Sivaz/Nevşehir Anatolian High School/NevşehirJanuary 14, 2021 at 8:04 AM

    Zeki Müren has a really beautiful voice. Thank you for sharing such a valuable person.

  5. Behzat.ds /Dilek Sivaz /Nevşehir Anatolian High SchoolJanuary 14, 2021 at 12:41 PM

    The smart moray is a good artist

  6. Zeki Müren is still the singer I am not tired of listening to his songs, and he used Turkish very well in his songs

  7. Şeyma.ds/ Dilek Sivaz/Nevşehir Anatolian High School/ TurkeyJanuary 14, 2021 at 5:38 PM

    thanks you, really very good.

  8. I like his songs very much. Thank you for introducing a great singer.

  9. Sudenaz.ds/Dilek Sivaz /Nevşehir Anatolian High SchoolJanuary 14, 2021 at 7:29 PM

    I love his songs. He was an important person. I so sorry that he died. Thanks for information.

  10. I love his song. Thanks for informing us. This information is very special to me

  11. zeynep.c.ds/Dilek Sivaz/Nevşehir Anatolian High School/TurkeyJanuary 14, 2021 at 9:30 PM

    Thank you for sharing. Zeki Müren has a really beautiful voice.

  12. Feyza.ds/Dilek Sivaz/Nevşehir Anatolian High SchoolJanuary 15, 2021 at 12:01 PM

    I listen to Zeki Müren's song a lot and really enjoy it

  13. beyza.ds / Dilek Sivaz / Nevşehir Anatolian High School / NevşehirJanuary 15, 2021 at 5:38 PM

    Good share

  14. Zeki Müren is one of the most talented artists in Turkey. He was such an inspirational person for many people. I love Zeki Müren’s music and his free and unique style. Such a great presentation. Great job. Thank you so much.

  15. We all know that Zeki Müre is a such a talented person for music life. I haven't listened his songs before but I wil definetly listen some of his songs. Thanks a lot for sharing!

  16. It was a great biographical research. Thank you very much for sharing.

  17. His songs are very good. Thank you for preparing this.

  18. berat.itu
    He is someone who sees him and goes to listen him suddenly. Thank you so much

  19. I really respect Zeki Müren. He and his songs are really beautiful. Thanks for telling us about it.

  20. I love his musics, it made me happy to see him at there. Thanks for that

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I am glad to see Zeki Müren. His art is so inspiring.

  23. I admire Zeki Müren, I love his songs. I wish I could see.

  24. He is very talented and iconic. Thanks for sharing

  25. I love Zeki Müren. Thanks for informations

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I love him and i think this is a great job.

  28. Zehra.ds /Dilek Sivaz /Nevşehir Anatolian High School /TurkeyJanuary 17, 2021 at 9:05 PM

    Thank you for information

  29. He was someone I knew before. Thanks to you, I've learned new information

  30. halime.sude.ds/ Dilek Sivaz / Nevşehir Anadolu Lisesi / TürkiyeJanuary 18, 2021 at 1:54 PM

    Oh Zeki Müren! He is really talented and ı love his clothing style.

  31. very interesting.
    Thanks for this nice article.

    büşra.ea/Şehit Emre Karaaslan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School / Eda Acar / Bursa

  32. It was interesting to read about him. I liked.

  33. Şeyma ds / Dilek Sivaz / Nevşehir Anatolian High School / Nevşehir.February 13, 2021 at 9:53 AM

    thanks you, really very good.

  34. thanks for sharing us this interesting information about Zeki Müren
