Maria Callas



Maria Callas was an American-born Greek soprano. She was one of the most renowned and influential opera singers of the 20th century. She was born in Manhattan to Greek immigrant parents. She had one sister named Jackie and a brother who died from meningitis. She had her education in Greece at age 13, later she established her career in Italy. Her repertoire ranged from classical opera seria to the bel canto operas. 

The relationship with her mother was something that became a matter of great public interest. It is said that she perceived as a kind of prostitution forced on her by her mother during the World War II, when the family was in a bad economical conditionals. In public, Callas blamed the strained relationship with her mother on her unhappy childhood spent singing and working at her mother's insistence, saying:

"My sister was slim and beautiful and friendly, and my mother always preferred her. I was the ugly duckling, fat and clumsy and unpopular. It is a cruel thing to make a child feel ugly and unwanted... I'll never forgive her for taking my childhood away. During all the years I should have been playing and growing up, I was singing or making money. Everything I did for them was mostly good and everything they did to me was mostly bad."

After several appearances as a student, Callas began appearing in secondary roles at the Greek National Opera. De Hidalgo was instrumental in securing roles for her, allowing Callas to earn a smallsalary, which helped her and her family get through the difficult war years.  Callas made her professional debut in February 1941, in the small role of Beatrice in Franz von Suppé's Boccaccio. Following these performances, even Callas's detractors began to refer to her as "The God-Given".

After returning to the United States in September 1945, Callas made the round of auditions. In December of that year, she auditioned for Edward Johnson, general manager of the Metropolitan Opera, and was favorably received: "Exceptional voice—ought to be heard very soon on stage". Callas maintained that the Met offered her Madama Butterfly and Fidelio, to be performed in Philadelphia and sung in English, both of which she declined, feeling she was too fat for Butterfly and did not like the idea of opera in English. In 1946, Callas was engaged to re-open the opera house in Chicago as Turandot, but the company folded before opening. Basso Nicola Rossi-Lemeni, who also was to star in this opera, was aware that Tullio Serafin was looking for a dramatic soprano to cast as La Gioconda at the Arena di Verona. He later recalled the young Callas and he recommended her to retired tenor and impresario Giovanni Zenatello. During her audition, Zenatello became so excited that he jumped up and joined Callas in the act 4 duet. It was in this role that Callas made her Italian debut. She had a huge career in Italy. Some of her greatest debuts were:

• Teatro alla Scala in Milan. 
• La Scal  in Verdi's  
• Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires
• Royal Opera House in Norma 

Callas's voice was and remains controversial; it bothered and disturbed as many as it thrilled and inspired. Her voice has been difficult to place in the modern vocal classification or Fach system, especially since in her prime, her repertoire contained the heaviest dramatic soprano roles as well as roles usually undertaken by the highest, lightest and most agile coloratura sopranos. Callas's voice was noted for its three distinct registers: Her low or chest register was extremely dark and almost baritonal in power, and she used this part of her voice for dramatic effect, often going into this register much higher on the scale than most sopranos. In the opinion of several singers, the heavy roles undertaken in her early years damaged Callas's voice.

In 1957, while still married to husband Giovanni Battista Meneghini, Callas was introduced to Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis at a party given in her honor by Elsa Maxwell after a performance in Donizetti's Anna Bolena. The affair that followed received much publicity in the popular press, and in November 1959, Callas left her husband. The relationship ended two years later in 1968, when Onassis left Callas in favor of Jacqueline Kennedy. Callas spent her last years living largely in isolation in Paris and died of a heart attack at age 53 on September 16, 1977.

Nowadays many opera galas and festivals are being held on her honor, not only in Greece but also worldwide. These are some photos from a festival in Greece:



Elena Maglara 


  1. Thanks a lot for these informations!

  2. It makes me happy to see a person like this on our project, I love it

  3. It's nice to see such successful people, thank you.

  4. thank you so much. good for real

  5. bert.itu
    thank you so much

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. She is the goddess of opera and famous in Lithuania too. I love listening to her songs.

  8. I didn't know her but i learned about her in this work

  9. rabia.ds.1/Dilek Sivaz/Nevşehir Anatolian High SchoolDecember 9, 2020 at 5:02 PM

    Thanks for sharing.

  10. I learned about her and listened to her from youtube. Thanks for presentation.

  11. Şeyma ds/Dilek Sivaz/Nevşehir Anatolian High SchoolDecember 20, 2020 at 10:33 AM

    did not know beforehand, thank you for introducing.

  12. Feyza.ds/Dilek Sivaz/Nevşehir Anatolian High SchoolDecember 20, 2020 at 4:56 PM

    She was a really beautiful and succesful woman, I didn't know about her until now and I learning a lot with this. I enjoyed reading this.

  13. berat.itu

    She had an incredible voice. Thanks for sharing.

  14. She is so elegant

  15. Poor Maria Callas. I sumpathy with her chilfhood story and her relation with her mother. But her voice is really very strong. I listend to her..

  16. Sudenaz.ds/Dilek Sivaz /Nevşehir Anatolian High School/TurkeyJanuary 3, 2021 at 1:41 PM

    She was a succesSful woman. It's very good. Thanks for information.

  17. zeynep.c.ds/Dilek Sivaz/NevşehirJanuary 8, 2021 at 6:23 PM

    Thanks for presentation.

  18. Zehra.ds /Dilek Sivaz /Nevşehir Anatolian High School /TurkeyJanuary 8, 2021 at 7:32 PM

    Thank you sharing this information

  19. She was a great opera singer. A real DIVA.

  20. Behzat.ds /Dilek Sivaz /Nevşehir Anatolian High SchoolJanuary 14, 2021 at 12:25 PM

    I didn't know before, a good woman

  21. beyza.ds / Dilek Sivaz / Nevşehir Anatolian High School / NevşehirJanuary 15, 2021 at 5:19 PM

    Good share

  22. halime.sude.ds/ Dilek Sivaz / Nevşehir Anadolu Lisesi / TürkiyeJanuary 18, 2021 at 2:13 PM

    She is beautiful and she is talented.
