His Eminence Sheikh “Muhammad Amin Al-Kilani”

He was born in Salt in 1926 and worked as a director of the Salt Secondary School and an orator for the Great Mosque of As-Salt

Nearly 50 years.

He graduated from Salt Secondary School in the academic year 1945-1946, and among his classmates were: Ahmad Al-Lawzi, Adnan Lotfi Othman, Suleiman Al-Mashini, Yahya Al-Khatib, Fathi Abdul Razzaq Al-Sayed, Muhammad Nimer Wahba, Hashem Saleh Mesmar, Tawfiq Al-Hayari, Ahmed Fawzi and others. Since the end of high school, he has been working in teaching generations. He has cherished the teaching profession throughout his life and continues to be. He started Sharia university studies at Damascus University, after which he was appointed director of Al-Salt Secondary School from 1964-1966

Then an educational supervisor, then head of the guidance department, as an assistant to the director of education in the Balqa governorate, then he was appointed as an advisor to the Minister of Education, until he transferred himself to retirement in 1981. He was soon appointed as a director at the Jordanian Community College, for a period of four years. In 1991, he was assigned to supervise the Islamic school.

And in dedication to the educational discourse of Sheikh Amin, which was associated with the religious and social discourse, he established the Salt Charitable Society in 1961 in cooperation with a group of people of righteousness and charity, including: Sheikh Abdullah Zaid Al-Kilani, Hajj Mahmoud Al-Hiyari, Hajj Salem Al-Khalayleh, Hajj Abdul Rahman Al-Rashdan, and Al-Hajj Naji Al-Shami, Sheikh Ati Bakir and others, and he was at the helm of the participants in collecting donations to build them. We have witnessed the giving of this association, which, since its founding, has spread knowledge, by opening day and night schools to teach illiterate and illiterate women of all generations, and establishing kindergartens.Children and sending scientific missions to Al-Azhar and other prestigious religious institutes. One of the objectives of this association was to combat poverty and disease, alleviate the plight of distressed families, help the sick, reconcile themselves and resolve conflict between individuals and families. Disagreement between people, giving lectures that include preaching and counseling, enjoining good and forbidding evil, establishing productive projects and occupations, opening nurseries, and opening institutions to care for people with disabilities, and Prince Abdullah II’s Foundation for Orphans is one of Sheikh Amin's most prominent achievements. As well as the Red Crescent Society. He worked on establishing charitable societies in the governorates, until he became president of the federation of these societies. Motivated by his religious scruples, he adopted a number of family members, so he followed them

We do not forget in this regard his appreciated and well-known efforts in housing Palestinian refugees in 1967, and the people of Medina still remember the story of the girl whose family forgot during the Six-Day War, so the virtuous sheikh adopted her, and she continued to receive care in his care until her family got to know her.